Why I Became an ECE Ambassador

It is no secret that engineering is a difficult area to go in to. At Purdue, ECE is notorious for being a “weedout” or the undesireable major, yet most ECEs at Purdue love what they do. They find strength in the challenge and use failures to drive progress and confidence to drive curiosity and innovation. Before students even get to Purdue, they know ECE is hard and can have a huge impact on whether or not someone decides to choose ECE for their major. This especially targets first generation and minority students who may not have had prior experience or a strong support network to get them through the transition to engineering and especially ECE.

Why an Ambassador?

I love spreading positivity- especially around subjects that get a dim light. I am so passionate about ECE and all that is has to offer. It has a bad rep and the department has been working tirelessly to make the environment more inclusive. As an Ambassador, I get to talk about my passion space, my career goals, and help others find their way too.

I have adored my time in the ECE Student Society and as an Ambassador. The group in leadership are such bright individuals, and I feel uplifted when I surround myself with them. We have real impact on the students we interact with and are working every day to create an inclusive family for all the ECE students at Purdue. Whether it be scholarships, social events, academic help, answering questions about College or life in general, or just being a pal- this group has given their all to the community.

It is always a great day to be an engineer at Purdue :)